Monday, March 21, 2022

You All Remember, Bertha?

We are back from vacation.  Before we left our technology issues are finally in check.  New router thingy has been installed.  I have spent the last several trying to catch up on computer stuff and just general household stuff.  I am thankful that the router thingy was our only issue.  So I am back ready to do a couple of posts for you prior to us leaving on vacation.  My goal is to write a few posts that you can read while we are away, but please do not hold me to that.  Life is a bit too unpredictable right now for me to make any promises.

So Hoss and I spent some time talking the other morning.  He and I discussed how things had been lacking a bit, what with the busyness of life and all.  So back to early morning maintenance.  Do you hear the excitement in my voice, folks?  Really, I knew we needed this.  The consistency.  The connection time.  That is not sarcasm either.  I was fine with it.  Up until Hoss mentioned Bertha and I wanted to make a beeline for the nearest exit.  I'd have made a run for it, but I don't believe in running unless something is chasing me, so there's that!

Actually, Hoss is just a smart man.  He knows what I need and when, most of the time, before I do.  So Bertha came out.  For those of you who are unaware who or rather what Bertha is let me explain.  Bertha is a wood bath brush.  So bigger than a wooden hair brush.  More vicious.  A bit more of the swing-ability  factor.  But alas, Hoss and Bertha are great friends.  I, on the other hand, believe she's my second greatest nemesis second only to Loopy (we won't even go there, but her name is very accurate).  The thing with Bertha is, I'm sad to admit this, she works.  Like the release I get with Bertha, I do not get with other implements.  Trust me, we've tried many lighter, easier, gentler implements.  We've tried a few harder implements like a cheese board.  Nothing works like Bertha.

So Bertha was applied.  Hoss made his point.  And for now the daily maintenance will resume until Hoss decides otherwise.  So I am thankful that my sweet Hoss loves me enough to always meet my needs and help keep me even keeled.  But I'm also looking for someone willing to take Bertha out to a "brush" pile somewhere....any takers?



  1. Hi Baker, great to hear from you! Hope you had a wonderful vacation enjoying family time together.

    I think you would have a good argument that lighter implements should be used for maintenance lol. Seriously though, when we had an active dynamic maintenance worked well for us to reinforce our roles and bring us even closer.


    1. Hi, Roz,
      I do not dislike maintenance nor the concept of it. It's the during that gets to me.

      Hope you guys are doing well.

  2. LOL take Bertha out to a brush pile??? I've had a few of those toys in the past - and couldn't give them away!! I did try!!!

    Glad you are back in 'circulation' in all ways :) daily maintenance eh??? enjoy ........... (cheeky grin)

    1. Hi, Morningstar,
      Cheeky cheeks weren't grinning this morning, lol. Yes, well the brush pile seems fitting, doesn't it?

      Hope you are all well!

  3. From PK
    I'm not sad that Bertha works when you need her, I'm just sad that you let Hoss know! And as for running, I'm sure if you tried it at a time like that, you would , indeed be chased! I think maintenance is a great idea, but maybe something lighter for everyday use... Anyway, if it works for you, I'm happy.

    1. Hi, PK,
      Just to set the record straight I did not intentionally tell Hoss that it worked for me. What happened is I actually listened to him after maintenance, therefore it was simply my subconscious working against me! I should clarify to all, that maintenance is lighter. Bertha is not used the same, often times just using the handle works or lighter strokes are applied. I appreciate your support.
      Hope you both are doing well!
