Wednesday, November 16, 2016

A Simple Act

Well, I think it is time for a rehash of sorts.  At least that is what is occurring in my mind. Before we added this to our marriage I would be hard pressed to say I was a ready listener to my man's opinions or suggestions.  As he would tell it, "I did not have a voice," and now he does. I come from a long line of strong women and I do not believe I know many who eagerly await a decision from their husbands on any issue, let alone on something as simple as how to drive home.  

Now, I am an adult, I can figure out my way very easily from point a to point b in our hometown.  I rarely need instructions unless it is to clarify a new destination.  So, Sunday night when I was meeting a group of friends at a coffee house kind of thing I thought nothing of simply texting my friend to figure out the location and what time I was to be there.  My man was picking the kids up from a church event, so I was free to go and really no big deal.  I arrived and began chatting with one of my best friends of the group and everyone was giving me a very hard time about the decision of whether to order a hot chocolate or just have ice cream.  

Yes, I know, everyone else was having that coffee stuff, that smells so delish, but tastes horrid to me, but I was in deep internal debate.  The group has heard from my friend how she often brings me hot chocolate, while I tease her about consuming large amounts of coffee which has little to no effect on her.  I know some people sip on coffee for hours, but I can down a large hot chocolate from Starbucks in ten minutes flat.  Well, I have a love/hate relationship with caffeine.  It makes me the energizer bunny for hours, so having hot chocolate at 7 o'clock at night would have some undesirable consequences if I wanted to sleep anytime soon.  I usually avoid hot chocolate unless I'm freezing or know I'm going to need to be up for awhile, like say around ten hours.   So, though my husband does not regulate my caffeine intake I decided neither of us needed that kind of hyper to end our weekend.   On a side note, I do think my friend likes to see me buzzing around on hot chocolate because the conversations we have always end up with a great deal of laughter. Yup, the sillies can really take over and miss shy and reserved can talk a mean streak.  So I avoided a bit of trouble by having some strawberry cheesecake ice cream to settle my ego a bit from all the teasing I had incurred.   

Now, to the point of the story.  We ladies had a lovely evening out, giggling and talking about kids and our husbands and such, and at 9 went to my car to leave.  I called my man to tell him I was headed home and the route I planned to take.  Now, that may sound silly to some, but I was going to need to travel through an area of town that was not very safe to get to the highway that would take me home.  He said, "No, I want you to take....." and you know what I replied?  I simply said, "yes" and did exactly what he said. 

Sorry, thought this one was super cute! 
Not that any of you are old enough to remember rotary phones!

Which I know this is old hat to alot of you, and others of you are going, boring story.  Not so here.  I thought all the way home how much I had changed.  Trust me when I say this, in the past I may or may not have listened.  I would have thought going out of my way to take a different road would have seemed silly at best and would have gone on my own merry way as if he had not suggested it at all.  Rude, you say?  Disrespectful?  Yes, I agree, but my excuse would have been, "I am an adult" and "I can drive where I want, it'll be okay".  I would have done what I wanted.  So, I was impressed with my ability to just heed his word, trust him and know that his suggestion was to keep me safe.    

When I made it home and told him that I had done as he said he agreed that I had made progress.  I did not argue with him about the route or become annoyed that he would suggest it.  A simple thing really in the realm of things, but something I feel proud of and thankful for.  I told him how I would have reacted before and he nodded.  He knew how I would have responded and it easily could have been an arguement.  So, in a small way, I was able to gain a little ground towards the sweet side of life, by simply trusting my man.



  1. I really enjoyed this post of yours. I definitely can appreciate the effort it must have taken to simply follow your man's lead but you did it and it is a good feeling no matter how small the issue at hand may be. He must have felt so proud of your achievement.

    1. Hi, Annabelle,
      It is hard sometimes for me to find the submissive side, but he does appreciate it. Thank you for coming by to visit, I love hearing feedback on what people think about my posts.

  2. Baker,
    When you can see the change for yourself, it is wonderul. There will always be bumps in the ttwd road, but when things are smooth and you see the change for yourself, it is heaven. Great post!

    1. Thank you, M,
      Very kind observations. I do love the feelings of change in myself and I know my man appreciates them too.

  3. Hi Baker, well done you, two good things, the lack of caffeine and the route following! You should get a good girl spanking for that effort ;)
    And yes I am old enough to remember those rotary phones :(
    love Jan, xx

    1. Hi, Jan,
      I should have, but didn't. My man and I are on a no spanking week because I'm going to see the OBGYN for my annual appointment tomorrow and he did not want anything to look like my bum was any worse for the wear. I've been promised a spanking for tomorrow night. We shall see what kind it ends up being!

  4. Hey Baker! I saw that you have a blog and decided to stop by. Congrats! Sometimes the little things are really the big things. I mean, to some, yes, this may seem insignificant. However, I'd say it's indicative of a change in your mind set, which is of course, a huge thing! :)

    1. Lilli,
      Yeah, I know they will let anyone have a blog these days! LOL! Thank you for the congrats, it is much appreciated. Yes, it seemed almost silly to write about, but I just felt it was such a small act and yet so much of an accomplishment for me. Thank you for your sweet thoughts!

  5. This sounds lovely to me. Sadly my Nick, while the best man I know, doesn't seem interested in submission. I know I really wanted to try this when we began. I wonder how I would have done.

    1. PK,
      I think you would have done beautifully. You love your man and you trust him with your heart, which is the most precious gift you can have in a relationship of any kind.

  6. Hurrah for you...I would have had the ice cream..but probably double hyper time. Just agreeing to take the route he 'suggested' is not really a little thing, it is a great giant step...and one that will both of down a wonderful path.
    I came to submission late in life, I was a totally in charge up some of that decision making has not been easy...
    but very I am much calmer.
    hugs abby

    1. Hi, Abby,
      I have always been a "good girl" growing up and submitting was easy, until we married and then it was not so much. I became a bit of a spitfire to say the least. So, yeah, I'm really excited when I hear myself say, "yes," without thinking instead of trying to argue the point. I love that this is helping us connect on such a good level. Thank you for your kind words of encouragement. They are so helpful to me!

  7. Congratulations, Baker. Taking the route your hubby suggested without arguing, questioning, fussing or complaining is great progress! I am like your friend...can drink caffeine at night with no impact but unless it is really cold, I would go for the ice cream over the hot chocolate any day. ;)

    Hugs and blessings...Cat

    1. Cat,
      Caffeine and I are not really very good together, unless I absolutely need to have a huge pick me up, but after being the energizer bunny I usually crash big time.

      Anyway, I love hot chocolate or tea, but ice cream hands down any day of the week. My man laughs at me, but I literally could eat ice cream for every meal and snacks and be good with that as my only food source, so yeah, ice cream won out as it usually does.


  8. This post just sparkles, Baker. We all started with just one step at a time, and you are doing remarkably well.

    Submission never gets to be "old hat" to me. It is hard every single day. Enjoyed my visit today!


    1. Awww Ella,
      You are so sweet! I think it will always be hard for me too, but I think it will get easier with time. Thank you for such sweet, kind words.


  9. It is all about respect. I always tell my kids if dad tells me to do something I have to do it. I may talk and discuss it if I disagree, but I do it out of respect..... all except the darn gas thing! Lol
    Oh, btw I am plenty old enough to remember that rotary phone!

    1. Thanks, Minelle, I agree, I want to show him the respect he deserves and we expect our children to do the same, but it's hard when we disagree on something not to return to the old way of arguing.

      I will say that I saw the rotary phone and giggled. I remember learning how to dial my phone number on one in kindergarten and I think we had one until I was around 7, maybe not even that old before the push buttons came out. I loved the way those phones sounded when you dialed. Sigh.


  10. Well done Baker on both accounts of not having caffeine and following your mans directions. Good luck with your obgyn appointment and hope you receive the good girl spanking Jan suggests.
    Hugs Lindy

    1. Hi, Lindy,
      Thanks for the well wishes and compliments. Yes, I'm praying it's of the good girl kind, still in that wait and see what tonight brings approach.

  11. Hi Baker, firstly, strawberry cheesecake ice cream...yum! lol

    I really enjoyed this post, this made me smile :) Good on you for avoiding the caffeine and following the route your man wanted you to take. It is so wonderful when we can see the changes and the benefits of ttwd for ourselves.


    1. Hi, Roz,
      I'm really glad you enjoyed the post. Yes, I agree it's such a blessing when the benefits begin to shine through. Thanks for your kind words and I hope things have calmed down considerably for you all.


  12. Loved your post Baker and good for you, no caffeine and following your man's route. I agree with some of the others, a good girl spanking is in order.


    1. Ronnie,
      I'm hoping, but we shall see. Thanks!

  13. I can't do caffeine after a certain time of night either. Glad you are beginning to see the benefits of 'leaning in' using Mere's phrase here.

    1. Leigh,
      Finally, someone else that understands the caffeine issue. Yes, definitely seeing the benefits of "leaning in" around here.
