Saturday, January 21, 2017

Crooked Halo Week For Me!

Everyone knows that I am not an angel, right?  Well, in case you were in doubt, I would like to share the following story with you all, so you know just how far from an angel I can be at times.
The other night I was feeling put out.  The why and how is private, but it was not in direct correlation with my husband or children, but something I was mulling over and needing to think through.  When I need to think I become very quiet, very reserved. 
My sassiness is usually hidden and I am just for all sake of appearances sad and distant to everyone. This was not intentional distancing, just how I like to process things.  My man knew I was upset and offered to cuddle with me.  I refused saying I was tired.  So much would have been resolved if I had just snuggled up and cuddled right then.  
The next morning I did purposely distance myself from him as I just wanted to be alone.   After a bit of emailing back and forth with a friend I was able to sort out my thoughts and feel better.  Really the whole issue did not warrant any distancing, but the other issue that came up was that I had sort of had a lie of omission to my sweet man by telling him nothing was wrong.  It was not something I had thought about until my friend that was helping me process “got me to thinking”, so when Hoss came home from work I told him. He also called it a lie from the very beginning and requested I acknowledge it as such.  I begged to differ slightly, why I do that I do not know, but the paddle came out and within a mere few swats my repentant attitude was quick to come.  So, though that was a bit tough to go through, it all ended well. Cuddling and a nice evening at home. 
I was good all day Wednesday and we were able to go out for a nice date night whilst the kids were at church.  The problem was the next morning.  I was upended over his lap while he was doing a maintenance spanking and he started naming off a few items he wanted me to add to my list for the day.  Um, okay.  I do not know about the rest of you, but I do not remember too much about what he is telling me during the middle of a spanking.  I can sometimes manage a snide remark or two, which I did, but remember something for later, hmmm, I’m being spanked here!  All of  my concentration is on just getting through.  So, in all seriousness, I do not recommend suggesting you say you are planning to take a pen and notebook to a spanking session to take notes.  

Take my word for it, choose your words carefully when your man is wielding a paddle and your naked backside is already being paddled.  I'm guessing my timing was off a bit with that suggestion. 

Better yet, do not get up from said spanking and proceed to get into an argument with the spanker.  I had asked a simple question, he kind of was in my opinion, rather rude with his answer, and I snapped a bit.  Okay, a lot!  Goodness gracious, I said I’m not a perfect angel here.  I pretty much told him there is no way in the world I should be expected to remember so many details.  Guess who, got paddled again?  Yes, you guessed it.  Me.  Sigh, I wish sometimes I could just slap a piece of tape over my mouth. or perhaps do something like zip that imaginary zipper we used as kids to remind us to be quiet.
Did the second spanking dissipate my snarky attitude you ask?  Hmmm, let’s say no to that and move on. I was on a roll, people, and not a good one at that.  I did manage to cook breakfast and get him out the door without anymore conflict, but just barely.

Did I manage to stay out of trouble the rest of the day?  Um, no.  He sent me a text reminding me that my list/schedule was due by ten.
I texted him I had just dropped off our youngest at PreK.  I was late dropping him off.  So, he sent a text back about being 11 minutes late.  Nope, my reply was I was only 10 minutes late.  I did not count the minute it took me to come back out to the van and text him.  So, his next text reminded me not to be a smarty pants.  Did I listen, folks?  (hanging my head in shame here).  
No, I did not.  My reply when I sent him my schedule, I’m 36 minutes early.  I know you all are thinking, way to poke the bear, Baker!

So, I was kind of having a rough day and he was being patient.  How he puts up with me when I am in a mood like this, I do not know.
I can be very “obstinate” sometimes.  Well, he took care of that attitude promptly when he returned home and all was right again.  That spanking did the trick.  Well, that and a sweet friend reminding me my bum could not take much more today, so to just quiet myself down and submit.  Anyone, else have times like that, where one spanking does not remedy the attitude, no matter how much you (or your loving spouse) wish it did?  
Yup, crooked halo week for me!  Oh, spank heavens, I'm so thankful to be back with a straightened halo to start my weekend.  At least, one can only hope it stays straight.



  1. Hi Baker, oh dear, I'm sorry you had such a rough couple of days, and ouch! I've definitely been there and had times where one spanking just didn't do the trick and I continued with an attitude afterwards. Some of these times resulted in me being up-ended again almost straight away. Glad things are now back to rights and that peace has been restored.


    1. Hi, Roz,
      I'm thankful I'm not the only one who's had her halo a bit crooked at times. I do not know what possesses me to act that way, but it's hard once I get started to calm back down and be reasonable. Thankfully, my being that unreasonable does not happen very often. I'm learning here, always learning.

  2. I so get that distancing thing...I used to do it, a much more rarely for the same reason that you will also learn it is not that great an idea. Some days we are just off.....the days that Master lets the paddle do the talking....seems I listen a lot better then...we all have days like that, if only we could find some way to solder our halos in place...hugs abby

    1. Abby,
      I love the idea of making those halos stick where they belong! Yes, I'm learning slowly that the distancing is not worth it, especially when the paddle comes into 'play'.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Oh so many days like that here! Days like that my heart is really the issue and until I get my heart where it needs to be the spankings fall in deaf ears... or a hardened bum in that case. I'm glad your halos straight again. Forget crooked, My halo keeps Getting lost.

    1. Hi, S,
      That's exactly what happened this week! The halo was inadvertently lost for a time. Seems mine is back on track as of right now. Praying it stays that way! It is so much a heart thing. Being in more of a place of calmness and submission means my heart is open to listening to him and following his lead.

  5. A year ago or more I remember being spanked four times in a day. Lol
    I was very out of sorts and it really had me laughing after. My guy was reading me right that time!:)

    1. Hey, there, Minelle,
      Four times in one day? Three seems to be the magic number here. Would prefer not to try for a fourth. I believe he did read you right though. I giggled about it the next day when I realized how irrational I had been. Yup, I deserved every one of those swats and probably more.

  6. It's amazing just how much better we listen when our butts are on fire, isn't it, Baker. ;) In the future, when your butt is in a vulnerable position, I would suggest that you count to 100 before making any comment other than "Yes, Sir" or "No, Sir"...whichever is appropriate. Good luck!

    Hugs and blessings...Cat

    1. Now, is a fine time to share such wise words, Cat, after I've been roasted and toasted! Lol! I will remember to use that advice the next time my mouth starts having a mind of its own when I'm upended getting the daylights spanked out of me. Maybe I will be better equipped not to be such a smarty pants.

  7. OH good golly Baker. When upturned over your HOHs knee is not the time to come back with cheeky replies.

    Hope your halo stays in position this week.

    Hugs Lindy xx

    1. Again, such good advice, Lindy!
      I really and truly wish I'd had the reminders in my head before my mouth spouted off such things. Definitely keeping that in mind for future spankings. Maybe, just maybe everyone's words of wisdom will save me from making the same mistakes again.

  8. I really enjoy reading your blog Baker. Yu have a great way of telling your story along with your cute pictures that can only made one laugh even at your expense of a very sore bottom. I really understand the need to put a zipper across my mouth to prevent comments from only adding insult to injury as I always have to have the last say. Something to be learned from just reading your post.
